Nexus Real Estate Group

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Self-Regulatory Advertising Requirements

Advertisers on Nexus must adhere to a comprehensive set of guidelines, encompassing Nexus’s Advertising Standards, Terms of Service, and any other relevant terms and policies. Beyond compliance with Nexus’s internal regulations, it is the responsibility of every advertiser to ensure that their campaigns meet the legal and regulatory requirements in each country they target. This includes adhering to industry-specific rules and self-regulatory codes developed by recognized authorities worldwide.

Understanding Self-Regulatory Advertising Codes:

Self-regulatory organizations (SROs) and certain industries have established their own codes and ethical guidelines to promote responsible advertising. These codes often complement local laws, providing a framework for ethical marketing practices. For instance, the ICC Advertising and Marketing Communications Code, issued by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), is widely regarded as a global benchmark for ethical marketing. It outlines best practices for various forms of marketing communications, including digital advertising, and serves as a foundational guide in many countries.

Advertisers must actively research and familiarize themselves with the self-regulatory codes applicable to their target markets. Below is a non-exhaustive list of self-regulatory advertising codes and organizations by country, which serves as a reference point for advertisers. These codes have been developed independently of Nexus, and compliance with them is an essential part of ethical advertising practices.

Country-Specific Advertising Codes and Organizations:

Austria: The Österreichischer Werberat sets advertising standards in Austria. For further details, refer to their official English translation.

Australia: The AANA Code of Ethics, administered by Ad Standards, governs advertising ethics in Australia.

Belgium: The JEP publishes advertising codes in both French (Codes/Règles) and Dutch (Codes/Règles).

Brazil: The Brazilian Advertising Self-Regulation Code is maintained by Conselho Nacional de Autorregulamentação Publicitária (CONAR).

Bulgaria: The National Ethical Rules for Advertising and Other Commercial Communication are issued by the National Council for Self-Regulation (NCSR).

Canada: Ad Standards publishes the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards.

Chile: The Chilean Code of Advertising Ethics is available through Consejo de Autorregulación y Ética Publicitaria (CONAR).

Colombia: Advertising practices in Colombia follow the ICC marketing rules.

Cyprus: The Cyprus Advertising Ethics Code is available through the Cyprus Advertising Regulation Organisation.

Czechia: The Code of Advertising Practice is published by the Czech Advertising Standards Council (RPR).

Finland: Advertisers in Finland should adhere to the ICC marketing rules.

France: The ARPP CODE governs advertising in France, with an official English translation available.

Germany: Two key organizations oversee advertising in Germany: Wettbewerbszentrale (focused on unfair commercial practices) and Deutscher Werberat (focused on taste, decency, and social responsibility).

Greece: The Hellenic Code of Advertising and Communication Practice (HCACP) is issued by the Advertising Self-Regulation Council (SEE).

Hungary: The MAGYAR REKLÁMETIKAI KÓDEX is published by the Advertising Self Regulatory Board (ÖRT).

India: The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) publishes The Code for Self-Regulation of Advertising Content in India.

Ireland: The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI) maintains the Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications.

Italy: The Il Codice di Autodisciplina della Comunicazione Commerciale is the governing code in Italy.

Luxembourg: The Commission Luxembourgeoise pour l’Éthique en Publicité (CLEP) publishes the Code of Practice in Advertising.

Malaysia: The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Content Code is published by The Communications and Multimedia Content Forum of Malaysia (CMCF).

Mexico: Refer to the guidance issued by Consejo de Autorregulación y Ética Publicitaria (CONAR).

New Zealand: The Advertising Standards Authority (ASANZ) issues the Advertising Standards Code.

Peru: Refer to guidance issued by Consejo de Autorregulación y Ética Publicitaria (CONAR).

Philippines: The Ad Standards Council (ASC) publishes the Advertising Code of Ethics.

Poland: The Kodeks Etyki Reklamy is published by Rada Reklamy.

Portugal: The Auto Regulação Publicitária governs advertising practices in Portugal.

Romania: The Romanian Advertising Council (RAC) publishes the Code of Advertising Practice.

Serbia: The Kodeks Marketinških Komunikacija is applied by Nacionalna asocijacija za etičke standarde u oglašavanju (NAESO).

Singapore: The Singapore Code of Advertising Practice is published by the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS).

Slovakia: The Code of Ethics for Advertising Practice is published by Rada Pre Reklamu (RPR).

Slovenia: The Slovenian Code of Advertising Practice is published by the Slovenian Advertising Chamber (SOZ).

South Africa: The Advertising Regulatory Board (ARB) publishes The Code of Advertising Practice.

Spain: Autocontrol applies the Códigos de Conducta Publicitaria.

Sweden: The ICC code is the primary reference for advertising in Sweden.

Switzerland: The Swiss Commission for Fairness in Commercial Communication (SLK/CSL) publishes the Principles of the Swiss Commission for Fairness.

The Netherlands: The Nederlandse Reclame Code is published by Stichting Reclame Code (SRC).

Turkey: The Advertising and Marketing Communication Practice Consolidated ICC Code is applied by the Reklam Özdenetim Kurulu (RÖK).

United Arab Emirates: The Advertising Business Group (ABG) publishes the Code Of Advertising Practice.

United Kingdom: The UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising and Direct & Promotional Marketing (CAP Code) governs advertising practices in the UK.

To maintain the integrity and trust of the Nexus advertising ecosystem, it is imperative for advertisers to go beyond just adhering to Nexus’s internal policies. They must also understand and comply with both local legal frameworks and the specific self-regulatory codes relevant to their target markets. Failure to comply with these codes could result in not only the removal of advertisements but also potential legal consequences.

For detailed guidance on Nexus’s internal advertising policies, please refer to our Advertising Standards. Advertisers are encouraged to consult legal professionals or local regulatory bodies for advice specific to their advertising strategies and markets.