3 Useful Tips for First-time Homebuyers Trying to Navigate the System
Whether you're tired of renting, need more space, or want to make an upgrade, buying your first home is the solution. However, if you have never participated in the market before it can be a bit daunting at first. Let's explore a few useful tips that are helpful for first-time homebuyers who are new to the process of buying real estate.
Tip #1: Begin With The End In Mind
Before you start exploring local home listings and shopping around, it's worth asking yourself both what you 'need' in a home and what you 'want' in a home. For example, are you single or married? If you are married or are likely to be in the near future, are you planning on having a family? Will you need space for pets? What area of the city is most convenient for your commute? And so on. If you start by knowing exactly what you need, it will be that much easier to narrow down your options.
Tip #2: The Market Determines The Value Of A House
The second tip to keep in mind is that your local real estate market is what determines how much a home is worth. What you can afford has nothing to do with a home's value, nor does your opinion of its current condition. In some cities, homes will sell with the intention of being torn down after the purchase completes.
Talk with a local real estate agent professional who can help you understand what the current market is like. If you are in a buyer's market, it might be the right time to make a move.
Tip #3: Go Low, Start Slow
Finally, when you're ready to make an offer, it should be one that is as low as possible without insulting the homeowner. Buying a house is not like buying groceries or clothing. The price isn't fixed and is certainly going to be open to negotiation. Conversely, you shouldn't be surprised if and when the seller makes a counteroffer against yours. The more you're prepared for a lengthy back-and-forth to hammer out a final price, the more likely you are to be successful.
The above are just a handful of the many tips that an experienced real estate agent professional can share to help a first-time buyer navigate the process. When you're ready to buy your first home, contact us and we'll be happy to help.