Investing in a New Home? 3 Reasons You Can't Skip the Pest Inspection

There are so many small details involved in the final sale of a home that it can be easy to forget about all of the things that need to be done. While you won't be able to forget about a home inspection, a pest inspection can be every bit as important before you sign on the dotted line. If you're wondering why you shouldn't forego this important step, consider the following information. 

The Final Offer

For many people, a pest inspection can reveal problems with a home that they may not be willing to deal with. However, in the event that you want to move forward with the deal, it's important to have this information so you can adjust your offering price and negotiate a new deal. Whether you want the homeowner to fix the pest problem or you want the home at a reduced price, it's necessary to have the information at hand so you don't discover an unpleasant surprise early on.

Insurance May Not Help

Homeowners’ insurance may provide coverage for a variety of problematic situations from flooding to fire, but damage due to pests often occurs over time so it may not be included in the standard insurance package. While insurance usually covers sudden events like natural disasters, it is often expected that incurred long-term damage will be known before it can cause unavoidable problems. Luckily, inspecting for pests ahead of time can save you the grievance of needing the costs covered. 

Feeling Home At Home

Much like experiencing a burglary, discovering a pest problem in your home can be an unsettling experience. Unfortunately, if you've just moved into your new home, it can be even more difficult to get comfortable in your new place. Instead of risking the good vibes of your new home, it's important to schedule a pest inspection so you can be sure there are no impediments to enjoying your new home. There may be a number of costs involved before the deal is sealed, but the cost will be well worth your comfort. 

It can be tempting to skip out on the pest inspection given the costs involved in buying a home, but it will be worth your comfort and the money you may save to get it checked out. If you're currently getting ready to invest in a new home, you may want to contact one of our real estate professionals for the inside scoop.


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