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Home Decor Trends: Stay on Top of Modern Trends With This Handy Guide

Now that  is here, it's time to consider which upgrades you will make to your home. If you don't have any major renovations planned, you can still tackle smaller projects or theme rooms. In today's post, we'll explore some of the home decor trends expected to be popular in .

Paint Colors: Confident, Composed & Comfortable

According to the color experts at paint company Behr, 's trend colors express confidence, composition, and comfort. If you plan on painting accent walls, rooms, or even your entire home this year, these are worth exploring.

Confident palette colors include the bluish-green Jade Dragon, the fiery red Hot and Spicy, and more. The Composed Palette is a bit muter, with blues and grays like Laid Back Gray and Polished Aqua. For those that love pastels, the Comfortable Palette has many soft notes. Life is a Peach and Everything's Rosy are two great light link options.

Replacing DIY With Artisanal

If you've owned your home for a while, you may find that over time your do-it-yourself projects have added up. While DIY upgrades are fun and cost-effective if they don't match or pair well they can throw off continuity in your decor. Consider  a chance to replace some of your older DIY items with similar ones created by artisans. You can always gift, sell or repurpose yours to ensure they find use in a new home.

Enjoy Saving Energy With Heated Floors

Heated floors are one of decor trends that combine luxury with responsibility. It might be tough to imagine that heated floors actually save energy, but it's true. In-floor heating can actually heat entire rooms with less energy than other central solutions. Still, using electric baseboard heaters in small areas like bathrooms? Consider heating your floors instead.

Climbing Plants Are The New Art

If you're struggling with how to fill a blank space on a wall, consider climbing plants. Indoor vines like the Pothos (or Devil's Ivy) can add a lively splash of green to a wall area. Or, consider using creeper vines that grow upwards. Even a small shelf with a few attractive potted plants can set off an entire wall. The more life you can add to your home, the better!

With so many colors, upgrades, and DIY upgrades to choose from,  is set to be a great year for home renovators. For more insight into value-boosting decor upgrades, contact your local real estate agent.