Nexus Real Estate Group

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Spring Is Real Estate's 'Rush Hour' -- Here's How to Tell If You're Prepared

The most popular time of year to buy a home is in the spring, and this means that if you're preparing yourself for getting into the real estate market, you may be experiencing a time crunch. If you're wondering if you'll be ready to put your home up for sale in time to take advantage of the season, here are a few things you'll want to think about.

Have You Cleaned Up And De-cluttered?

Spring is not only an optimal time to put your home up for sale, it's also an ideal time for spring cleaning! Instead of leaving all of the de-cluttering and clearing away to the time when you know, you'll be moving, get prepared by going through your stuff and discarding anything that you don't want to move. This will not only make the packing up procedure more streamlined, it will also make the basic cleaning duties like vacuuming a dusting a little easier to carry out.

Are You Prepared To Move?

A home can sit on the market for a few weeks or months, and it can also sell on the first day, so you'll want to have a game plan for moving beforehand. If you don't yet have a place to stay, determine a plan for yourself and your family so that you can start looking for a home to invest in or at least rental property. You don't want to lose out on a good offer by not being prepared, so make sure you know where you're going before getting into the market.  

Do You Know The Market Conditions?

Spring is certainly the most popular time to buy, but if your home isn't priced right for the conditions of the market, it may linger longer than you'd expect. If you're selling on your own, you may want to take a look at the MLS listings to determine what similar homes in similar areas are selling for. It can also be a great idea to utilize the services of a local real estate agent who will have background knowledge of the market and be able to do the tough negotiating for you. 

With spring being the best time to sell, it's important to de-clutter your house ahead of time and be aware of the market conditions you'll be dealing with. If you're about to put your home up for sale, you may want to contact one of our real estate professionals for more information.