Switch to a Landlord Insurance Policy

Ensuring that your property is adequately insured when renting it out is of paramount importance. It necessitates a distinct type of insurance coverage. By diligently following these prescribed steps, you can rest assured that your property is equipped with the requisite insurance coverage to safeguard your investment and mitigate potential risks effectively.

Welcome to Phase 2C: Insurance

Why is your landlord insurance important to us? While we sincerely hope to never encounter any emergencies or property damage issues, we understand that unforeseen situations can arise. By having your landlord insurance information on record, it ensures that, in the event of an emergency, we can efficiently collaborate with your insurance provider to expedite the resolution process and ensure that your property is restored to its optimal condition as swiftly and smoothly as possible. Your proactive approach to insurance coverage gives us the tools we need to handle unforeseen challenges effectively and maintain the well-being of your property.

Contact Your Homeowners Insurance Provider:

1. Notify your insurance company about your intention to rent out your property and explore available coverage options.

2. Update your insurance policy from standard homeowners* insurance to a Landlord Policy.

3. Include Nexus Real Estate Group LIC as an additional insured party on your policy.

4. Send a copy of your insurance policy, including the landlord rider, to Nick@Nexus.RealEstate. Alternatively, you can request your insurance provider to send it directly for added convenience.

What's Next?

Phase 3 Of The New Owner Onboarding Process