Spouse with Bad Credit? 3 Reasons You'll Want to Consider a Co-signer for Your Mortgage

Obtaining a mortgage can be quite a complicated process even without the financial hurdles, but if your spouse's credit has experienced a number of difficulties, acquiring a mortgage can be even more of a burden. If you're concerned about what bad credit will mean for your mortgage and are weighing your options, here are some reasons why it might be important to use a co-signer for your application. 

Increasing The Likelihood Of Approval 

From getting an education to purchasing your first vehicle, it's a common occurrence for people to take a loan out at some point in their life. However, getting a loan can be very difficult if you happen to be married to someone with a poor credit history. While having someone you know co-sign your application is not without its risks, it can be a means of securing mortgage financing so that you can move towards a less burdensome financial situation.

Improving A Bad Credit History

It adds stress to the process if you have a partner with a poor credit history, but the benefit of a co-signer is that it can be one of the few opportunities you'll have to really improve a problematic rating. With a co-signer to vouch for you, you will be able to pay down your mortgage consistently and slowly build your spouse's credit in a way that will give both of you a lot more financial opportunities in the future! 

Building Up Trust

It goes without saying that having a co-signer can be a significant financial risk for the person who chooses to sign for you, but – if approached responsibly – this can be a means of building trust with your family members or friends. While co-signing may be a necessity for your situation, it's important to be aware that it's a huge commitment for the person who agrees to it and their support should be seen for the good faith it is. 


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