Nexus Real Estate Group

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Dangerous Organizations And Individuals

This Comprehensive Policy On Dangerous Organizations And Individuals (“Policy”) is established and enforced by Nexus Real Estate Group. Any questions or concerns relating to this Policy should be directed to The purpose of this Policy is to prevent and disrupt real-world harm that can arise when certain organizations or individuals use our platforms to proclaim violent missions, glorify dangerous conduct, or otherwise encourage violence or hateful acts. Nexus assesses both online and offline behavior when determining if an entity poses such risks, placing particular focus on the entity’s connection to violence. Under this Policy, we designate individuals, organizations, and networks of people based on the threat they present to public safety and the potential for violence in United States and beyond. These designations are divided into different tiers, reflecting the degree to which the entity is linked to or engaged in violent activities, with Tier 1 being subject to the most extensive enforcement because of its pronounced ties to offline harm.

Tier 1 Designations And Enforcement:

Tier 1 encompasses entities that engage in serious forms of offline harm, which includes advocating for or organizing violence against civilians, frequently dehumanizing or advocating harm against individuals based on protected characteristics, or participating in systematic criminal operations. Tier 1 includes hate organizations; criminal organizations that may be designated by the United States government as Specially Designated Narcotics Trafficking Kingpins (SDNTKs); and terrorist organizations, including individuals or entities labeled by the United States government as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) or Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs). Nexus removes all forms of Glorification, Support, or Representation of these Tier 1 entities, their founders, leaders, or prominent members, as well as any unclear or contextless references to them. This enforcement includes content relating to events that have been designated as violating violent events, such as terrorist attacks, hate-driven attacks, multiple-victim violence or attempted multiple-victim violence, serial murders, or hate crimes. We also remove all content that Glorifies, Supports, or Represents the perpetrators of such violent events, including perpetrator-generated content or any third-party imagery that visually depicts the moment of attack upon visible victims. We do not allow content that Glorifies, Supports, or Represents hateful ideologies that incite hate or violence, such as Nazism or white supremacy, and we remove unclear references to these ideologies when the context or user’s intent is not clearly indicative of neutral discussion or condemnation.

Tier 2 Designations And Enforcement:

Tier 2 includes Violent Non-State Actors that engage in violence directed primarily against government or military actors in armed conflict but do not intentionally target civilians, as well as Violence Inducing Entities that are preparing for or advocating future violence without necessarily having engaged in it to date. Tier 2 can also include those who repeatedly violate our Hate Speech or Dangerous Organizations and Individuals policies on or off the platform. We remove any Glorification, Material Support, or Representation of these Tier 2 entities, along with their leaders, founders, or prominent members.

Context And Permissible Content:

Nexus acknowledges that certain references to designated dangerous organizations or individuals may surface in content that serves a broader public interest, such as social commentary, political discourse, news reporting, academic analysis, or other types of objective, fact-based discussions. We permit news reporting or neutral commentary that informs and educates the public about the actions, ideology, or background of these groups. For instance, stating factual information regarding a terrorist attack, providing timelines of major incidents involving designated entities, or explaining how extremist beliefs arise may be allowed, so long as such discussion neither Glorifies nor Supports the violent or hateful actions in question. Similarly, users are allowed to express condemnation or disapproval, share critiques, convey disgust, or offer mockery directed toward these organizations or individuals. This negative or critical expression is permissible provided it is clearly intended to denounce or raise awareness of the designated entity’s wrongdoing or harmful conduct.

Nexus requires that users make their intentions unambiguous when referencing these entities or events. If the context of the content is unclear or ambiguous, and there is no explicit evidence of neutral discussion, condemnation, or news reporting, we remove the content to eliminate any risk of promoting or encouraging offline harm. Users are also permitted under this Policy to discuss designated individuals’ or entities’ human rights, in alignment with international human rights law, as long as such discussion does not cross the threshold into Glorification, Support, or Representation of violence or other policy violations such as incitement to harm.

Removal Of Glorification:

Glorification involves legitimizing or defending the violent or hateful acts of a designated entity or event by assigning moral or political justifications that render such acts acceptable or praiseworthy. Glorification further encompasses characterizing violent acts as positive achievements, celebrating the harm perpetrated by these entities, or expressing an aspirational desire to join or emulate a designated dangerous organization. Any content that Glorifies Tier 1 or Tier 2 entities or designated violent events, including references that celebrate the acts of a violent organization, is strictly disallowed and subject to immediate removal. Where Tier 1 entities or designated events are concerned, we may also remove contextless references or attempts at humor that lack any clear indication of condemnation or neutrality, as these pose a heightened risk of being interpreted as endorsement or admiration.

Removal Of Support:

Support may include providing direct or indirect material aid that bolsters the financial or operational capacities of a designated entity or event. Examples of material support could involve directing funds, funneling resources, or suggesting ways to facilitate the logistical needs of an organization or event. Support also includes recruitment activities or any call to action that solicits additional manpower, resources, or assistance on behalf of a dangerous organization. Users are similarly prohibited from channeling official communications or resources of these entities without any accompanying condemnation, neutral discussion, or legitimate news reporting. Nexus removes all forms of Support in reference to Tier 1 entities and removes all forms of Material Support for Tier 2 organizations due to the real risk of promoting further violence.

Removal Of Representation:

Representation entails a user explicitly claiming membership in a designated entity, purporting to be such an entity, or constructing any Page, Profile, Event, or other online structure that claims to be owned or operated by a prohibited organization or that fosters the spread of content on their behalf. Nexus removes all attempts at Representation for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 entities and disallows such entities from maintaining any presence on our platforms, either directly or indirectly.

Definitions Of Dangerous Organizations And Violating Events:

Nexus distinguishes organizations and violent incidents based on specific criteria that reflect the severity of harm or hateful intention:

We consider Tier 1 to encompass terrorist organizations, hate entities, criminal organizations, large-scale violent events, and serial murders. Terrorist organizations are defined as non-state actors engaging in planned acts of violence with the intention of coercing or intimidating civilian populations or governmental agencies to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives. Hate entities are organizations or individuals that actively spread hatred or advocate violence against others based on protected characteristics. Criminal organizations typically involve three or more people who are aligned under a particular name or symbol and are engaged in homicide, drug trafficking, kidnapping, or other serious criminal conduct. Tier 1 also includes multiple-victim violence or attempted multiple-victim violence events wherein three or more individuals are seriously injured or killed, serial murders in which an individual commits two or more killings in multiple incidents or locations, and any hateful ideologies that inherently endorse violence toward protected groups.

We identify Tier 2 to include violent non-state actors that use violence in the context of armed conflicts primarily against government or military targets, without deliberately focusing on civilian harm, as well as violence-inducing entities that advocate for or prepare violence but have not necessarily committed it on a large scale. These entities may also commit repeated hate-speech violations or transgress other Dangerous Organizations and Individuals policies across online or offline spaces.

Hateful Ideologies And Designated Events:

In addition to designating organizations and individuals, Nexus recognizes that certain ideologies are intrinsically tied to violence or calls for exclusion based on protected characteristics. We designate these ideologies themselves as dangerous, which leads to the removal of any content that Glorifies, Supports, or Represents them. Examples include Nazism, white supremacy, white nationalism, and white separatism. Any individual or group subscribing to these hateful ideologies is subject to removal under Tier 1 due to their explicit promotion of violence or dehumanization based on race, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics. We also categorize events such as terrorist attacks, hate-driven mass violence, or serial murders as designated violating violent events, removing any content that promotes, praises, or depicts these attacks or their perpetrators in a favorable light, and barring any representation of them on our platforms.

Additional Types And Tiers Of Entities:

Nexus also designates certain non-state actors under Tier 2 if they are known to engage in purposeful and organized violence against state or military elements without directly targeting civilians, or if they attempt to create conditions for future violence. A Violence Inducing Entity might be one that actively uses weapons, trains unofficial military or security forces, and incites inter-community violence or civil war. Entities that promote bringing firearms or other weapons to protests with the aim of intimidation, or that vandalize property in the pursuit of a broader violent agenda, can fall within this tier. Likewise, Violence Inducing Conspiracy Networks that mobilize followers around unfounded plots or conspiracies and have been directly linked to offline harm also fit within this designation. In some instances, a Hate Banned Entity may be designated when it persistently engages in hateful rhetoric without rising to the severity of Tier 1 violence or lacking sufficient affiliations to prior designated figures, yet still poses a noteworthy risk.

Requirements For Additional Context And Satire:

In certain cases, Nexus may allow content that might otherwise violate this Policy if it is determined to be satirical in nature. However, such content must clearly indicate that the violent or hateful references are being mocked or attributed to another source for the purposes of critique. The line between permissible satire and a Policy violation can be subtle, and where there is any doubt, the content will typically be removed to ensure the safety and welfare of the public in Essex County and beyond. Clarity of intent is critical.

Amendments And Contact Information:

Nexus reserves the right to modify or update this Policy at any time, particularly in response to evolving laws in Massachusetts, emerging online threats, or shifts in global security concerns. Any changes become effective immediately once this Policy is updated or posted, and continued use of our services after such updates constitutes acceptance of these revised provisions. If you have questions, concerns, or seek clarification regarding this Policy, please contact This Policy is comprehensive and should not be summarized in any manner, as each section is integral to understanding how Nexus addresses dangerous organizations, hateful ideologies, and individuals who pose a serious threat to public safety. We make every effort to uphold both community standards and legal obligations in Essex County while safeguarding individuals from exposure to materials that praise or promote violence and harm.