User Requests

At Nexus, we are committed to protecting user rights, privacy, and security while ensuring compliance with applicable laws and our Terms of Service. We recognize that there are circumstances in which users or authorized representatives may request the removal of an account. Each request is carefully reviewed on a case-by-case basis to ensure compliance with legal requirements, platform policies, and ethical considerations.

Our Process for Reviewing Account Removal Requests:

To maintain transparency and fairness, Nexus follows a structured process for reviewing and responding to account removal requests. This ensures that requests are handled appropriately, lawfully, and in a manner that respects both user rights and community trust.

  1. Request Submission and Initial Review

    • Requests for account removal must be formally submitted through our designated request channels.

    • We require identification, proof of authority, and any supporting documentation to verify the identity of the requestor and confirm the legitimacy of the request.

    • Requests that are incomplete, unclear, or inconsistent with our policies may be rejected or require further clarification before proceeding.

  2. Verification and Assessment

    • Each request is individually assessed to ensure it aligns with our Terms of Service and applicable laws.

    • We evaluate whether the request meets legal and procedural requirements, particularly in cases involving incapacitated individuals or third-party representatives.

    • Requests that do not comply with our policies or that raise concerns about potential abuse, fraud, or privacy violations may be denied or escalated for further review.

  3. Action Taken Upon Approval

    • If a request is approved, we take the necessary steps to remove the account from our platform in a timely and secure manner.

    • If the request is denied, we provide justification and guidance where applicable, including steps for resubmission if appropriate.

Types of Account Removal Requests We Honor:

1. Account Removal by the Account Owner

Users have the right to request the removal of their own accounts at any time. This ensures that individuals maintain full control over their digital presence.

  • The request must be submitted by the account owner using the official removal request process.

  • The individual must verify their identity to prevent fraudulent or unauthorized requests.

  • Once an account is removed, it cannot be recovered or reinstated, and all associated data will be permanently deleted in accordance with our data retention policies.

2. Account Removal for Incapacitated Individuals

In cases where an account owner is incapacitated and unable to submit a request on their own, an authorized representative may request account removal on their behalf.

  • The request must be submitted by a legal guardian, power of attorney, or other legally authorized representative.

  • We require Proof of Authority, which may include legal documentation such as a court order, notarized authorization, or other verifiable legal documentation confirming the requestor’s authority.

  • Medical documentation confirming the individual’s incapacitation is required to validate the request.

  • If a legacy contact has been designated by the account owner (in applicable cases), they may be notified or consulted regarding the account’s removal.

Cases Where Additional Review or Denial May Apply:

While we strive to honor legitimate requests, there are situations where a request may be rejected, require further clarification, or undergo additional scrutiny:

  • Requests made by unauthorized third parties who do not have legal authority over the account.

  • Disputed requests, where multiple parties claim authority over an account.

  • Requests that lack sufficient verification or supporting documentation.

  • Cases involving potential legal disputes, such as contested guardianship or claims of financial abuse.

  • Requests that may violate privacy laws, third-party rights, or platform policies.

Commitment to User Privacy and Security:

We understand that account removal can be a sensitive matter, particularly when involving incapacitated individuals. Nexus is committed to handling all requests with the highest level of security, privacy, and ethical consideration. We adhere to strict confidentiality protocols and ensure that sensitive information is protected throughout the review and removal process.

If you need to request account removal, please contact our Account Support Team through our official request portal. Our team is available to provide guidance, clarify requirements, and assist with the process to ensure compliance with our policies and applicable laws.


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